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About FAAI

Fertility Awareness Advocate Initiative (FAAI) is a support group that provides fertility challenged Nigerians with support, awareness, information and education.

Fertility Awareness Advocate Initiative (FAAI) was founded on the 4th of August 2013. The support group mainly comprises of people who have had successful fertility treatment.

Our goal is to reach out to the public and enlighten them about Assisted Reproductive Treatments, share their success stories, and help others overcome their fears or negative perception they may have towards those seeking fertility treatments.

Objectives of FAAI

  • To promote awareness of fertility treatment options to the general public.
  • To offer counselling support to those undergoing fertility treatment.
  • To assist in breaking the myths and misconceptions surrounding infertility in Nigeria.
  • To do all such other lawful things as may be considered incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives
  • To promote the enforcement of regulatory standards in the treatment of infertility in Nigeria