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Home Forums Secondary Infertility Secondary Infertility – Definition & Causes

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    Secondary infertility is the inability to become pregnant or to carry a baby to term after previously giving birth to a baby. Secondary infertility shares many of the same causes of primary infertility.

    Among the possible causes of secondary infertility are:

    • Impaired sperm production, function or delivery in men
    • Fallopian tube damage, ovulation disorders, endometriosis and uterine conditions in women
    • Complications related to prior pregnancy or surgery
    • Risk factor changes for you or your partner, such as age, weight and use of certain medications
    • If you have frequent, unprotected sex but don’t become pregnant — after a year if you’re younger than 35 or after six months if you’re 35 or older — talk to your health care provider.

    Depending on the circumstances, both you and your partner might need medical evaluations. Your doctor can help determine whether there’s an issue that requires a specialist or treatment at a fertility clinic.

    SOURCE: Mayo Clinic

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by BabaDee.
    Queen Chi

    ‘Why can’t I get pregnant this time around?’ is a bugging question couples with secondary infertility often ask.

    Well, here are a few other reasons you might consider:

      Age: Fertility naturally declines as age decreases.

      New Partner: Your new partner might have an undiagnosed infertility problem.

      Worsened underlying fertility problem: You might have had endometriosis, subclinical PCOS or maybe your ovarian reserves were already decreasing. These issues might lead to a worsened fertility problem.

      Weight Gain: This may lead to ovulation problems in women, and possibly impact sperm health in men.

      Fertility Problem from Previous Pregnancy: Child birth may cause a pelvic infection or multiple D&C procedures may cause uterine adhesions or blocked fallopian tubes. Also, having a C-section, can cause a scarred tissue, which can impact fertility too.

    SOURCE: Very Well Clinic

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