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Mother’s Premature Menopause Affects Daughter’s Fertility: Study

Mother’s Premature Menopause Affects Daughter’s Fertility: Study

Symptoms of premature menopause are often the same as those experienced by women undergoing natural menopause. New Delhi: Mother’s premature menopause can affect her daughter’s fertility and is known as hereditary infertility. Menopause is the time that marks the end of the menstrual cycle due to the natural depletion of ovarian oocytes from ageing. The transition to menopause usually starts…

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3 Day Transfers vs Blastocyst Transfers

3 Day Transfers vs Blastocyst Transfers

Transcript from Andrology/Embryology Forum Dr. T. Timothy Smith Lauren asks: You said that you only/prefer to transfer embryos from ICSI in the blast stage. I am 36 and had three grade 2 (1 being best), 10 cell, day three embryos implanted (still waiting for results). My other 4 fertilized eggs did not make it to blast for freezing. This is…

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Benefits Of Oocyte Cryopreservation (Egg Freezing)

Benefits Of Oocyte Cryopreservation (Egg Freezing)

Egg freezing is a relatively new and developing technology. The first baby born using a frozen egg was in 1986. However, high failure rates and concerns that freezing would damage the egg chromosomes and cause birth defects, has kept egg freezing on the sidelines for over a decade. Who would benefit from egg freezing? Several groups may potentially benefit from…

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Taking Paracetamol During Pregnancy May Reduce Fertility Of Daughters

Taking Paracetamol During Pregnancy May Reduce Fertility Of Daughters

Taking paracetamol during pregnancy may impair the future fertility of female offspring, according to a review published in Endocrine Connections. The article reviews three separate rodent studies that all report altered development in the reproductive systems of female offspring from mothers given paracetamol during pregnancy, which may impair their fertility in adulthood. Paracetamol, or acetaminophen, is an over-the-counter treatment for…

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Sugar affects fertility – Research

Sugar affects fertility – Research

A recent study suggests a link between increased consumption of sugar and infertility. There’s a surprising connection between consumption of sugar and fertility. Sugar-sweetened beverages consumed every day by either partner reduce the couple’s chances of pregnancy, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology. Sugar or increased glucose levels in the body do not have a…

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Older celebrities who deny IVF treatment are fuelling misconceptions about conceiving in later life, doctors warn

Older celebrities who deny IVF treatment are fuelling misconceptions about conceiving in later life, doctors warn

Middle-aged celebrities who give birth without acknowledging they underwent IVF are fuelling “highly damaging” misconceptions about the chances of getting pregnant in later life, leading doctors have warned. A detailed study of glossy magazine interviews featuring high-profile new mothers found they routinely “glamourized” pregnancy at advanced ages and downplayed the impact of delaying trying for a baby. Experts said young…

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How you reheat your takeaway could affect your fertility, researcher warns

How you reheat your takeaway could affect your fertility, researcher warns

New research has found common chemicals used in cleaning products, foods, cosmetics and plastic containers could be impacting on fertility in both men and women. Melbourne University expert in reproductive biology Dr. Mark Green examined how endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) could negatively affect reproductive health. He told ABC Radio Melbourne you could get chemical exposure from multiple sources, including the lining…

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